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Home Gym Essentials

Writer's picture: Chloe MihacevichChloe Mihacevich

Due to Covid, I think I have mastered the at-home gym set up. I was working out in my basement every single day and somehow managed to find motivation to stick to it. Some days I still would rather workout at home than go to the gym and in case you ever feel the same way, I’m going to share my favorite equipment and tools to help you get started.

When people think of getting equipment for their house, they look at it as a huge investment. I guess it could be, but you truly only need a few essentials to get workin' on that fitness!

Here are my 5 favorites:

Click underlined titles to shop!

1. Dumbbells

When I first started weight lifting, I only used dumbbells up to 20 lbs for a very long time. There are certain exercises that may only use one heavier weight, but you can always split it into a weight in each hand. Once you get stronger, you can then invest in heavier weights. But for starters, you really only need a few! At my house I use a super old set that my dad has had for forever so I don’t really have a brand recommendation and don’t want to suggest one that I don’t use, but I’m sure you can order a good set off of Amazon! (My go to lol) I’ve also stumbled past some at 5 Below a little bit ago!

These things are BOMB for some ab work, but they can be used for actually anything. Abs, sliding lunges, pushups, etc. (Let me know if I should make a slider workout!) They also work on both wood floors and carpet so it doesn’t matter where your workout space is. But don’t hate on these! (Unless you’re using them in the middle of a gruesome ab workout. Then you’re allowed :)). If you don’t want to purchase sliders, my family used paper plates as a replacement for multiple months. Whatever works for you! I don’t have a specific brand suggestion but I linked one above!

3. Bands

Bands are absolutely incredible for glute activation and leg day finishers! There’s a lot of controversy out there as to whether or not they actually build your booty, but there’s nothing wrong with mixing it in with your weight training! These also can be used for legs, arms, abs, back, etc. We love some good diverse equipment! The brand that I have is linked above. Super cute too :)

This is honestly a very underrated purchase for working out. I loveee bringing a yoga mat outside and working out in the fresh air. It also is great to have a little cushion under you while doing ab work/anything on the ground! I linked a great one above. It is pretty expensive but I think it's a worthwhile investment. Sometimes the cheaper yoga mats rip and shred super easily!

My family subscribes to Beach Body and we absolutely love it. I think it’s only $100 for 12 months but they have a never ending selection of programs and workouts to choose from once you subscribe. (My personal favorite was 80 Day Obsession!) The workouts were super challenging and kept me committed while working out at home (which is sometimes hard to do!) If you don’t want to purchase a program, definitely look up videos on YouTube or even search your Instagram explore page! What I do when I workout is search #fullbodyworkout (or whatever I’m doing that day) and scroll through the posts until I find one that I’m interested in. Super easy and takes away the hassle of coming up with your own workout.

I love going to the gym but for those who don’t, I feel like having these few things in your possession is a perfect way to get the process going (or for those who need a break from the gym!) Then it just becomes a matter of staying consistent, finding balance in your diet, and never quitting! (That simple. LOL!)


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